Wakeup call, solo exhibition 2021

Bet Binyamini solo exhibition

Bet Binyamini solo exhibition

Bet Binyamini solo exhibition
Kids are just kids
Amir Galery, Israel, group exhibition 2021
Throughout history, art was a way of preserving civilization.
Art taught history, showed fashion, and immortalized great events.
Artists brought to life, moments, landscapes, and events, expressing feelings and conveying the atmosphere they wanted to capture.
The artist had an angle to show, an agenda to present, and a message to deliver.
And the object was part of the story, he held a role in creation, there was a reason why he was where he was and doing what he was doing.
What if, just for a moment, we forget it all and stay with the notion that behind all the stories, agendas and big event, there are kids who simply are just kids.